Common mode chokes serve as specialized inductors that filter electrical signals in circuits. They block high-frequency noise and allow low-frequency signals to pass through unhindered. This functionality makes them essential for preserving the integrity and performance of electrical systems, especially in environments prone to signal interference.

How Common Mode Chokes Work

These components target common-mode signals, unwanted signals that appear on both conductors in a differential pair with the same polarity. These chokes typically have two windings wound in opposite directions around a magnetic core. When an unwanted signal enters, the magnetic fields from the windings oppose each other, effectively suppressing the signal. Meanwhile, the choke lets low-frequency signals pass with minimal attenuation, ensuring the circuit functions properly.


They are essential in industries where electromagnetic interference (EMI) or radio frequency interference (RFI) can disrupt electronic devices. They primarily filter out high-frequency noise found in power lines, telecommunication systems, and computer networks. In telecommunications, common mode chokes help prevent data corruption and signal degradation by isolating systems from unwanted noise.

These components also protect automotive, industrial, and consumer electronics by reducing interference risks, improving safety and performance. As concerns over electromagnetic pollution and regulations increase, common mode chokes help ensure compliance with electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) standards.


The design offers significant advantages for modern electronic systems. By reducing noise and RFI, they enhance the reliability of devices, ensuring that they operate without interference from external sources. Moreover, common mode chokes contribute to energy efficiency by minimizing losses due to signal distortion and ensuring more consistent signal transmission.

Harsh Environment Considerations

Design Criteria, Inc. offers several high-quality common mode choke designs that are optimized for use in harsh environments. These designs are built to withstand extreme conditions, ensuring durability and reliability in applications such as industrial machinery and outdoor telecommunication systems.




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